
A Thankful Thanksgiving

This year we decided to break tradition and do something a little different. We invited some friends of ours over for an untraditional meal of tri-tip steak and sushi. Our main focus for the day was helping out with a meal for the poor and homeless. We took turns helping out in pairs so that there was always another pair watching the kids. I recommended buying a large cage with a pad lock but no one else seemed to like my idea ;) So, Heather and Dawn started out by going first followed by Rob and me. We had a good time and we were able to have some good conversations with those that attended. I was excited to see that one of the people that we got to know was at church today. As I continue to grow in my relationship with the Lord I am continuing to discover that the goal of Christianity isn't to become sanctified or holy. It's to love and serve those around us. We spend so much time on our own "relationships" with God that I think we are missing the big picture. It isn't necessarily about us, it's about those around us. What have you done to love those around you?

Our local paper did a write up on the Thanksgiving meal that we helped with. Check it out if you have time.


Computer Down

Hello friends and family. I justed wanted to let you know that our computer is down and is being sent to the manufacturer for 2 weeks. If you need to contact us then please phone us as I will be checking our email rather infrequently. Thanks!


Welcome to the Jungle...

It has been a few weeks since I have posted a blog so I thought I would add some pics of our "family date" from last night. We made a trip to the Ontario Mills Mall and we ate at the Rainforest Cafe. Lyndi loves this restaurant because of the animitronics and the simulated rain storms. We also let her try one of my shrimp kabobs and she seemed to enjoy it. This was the first time that we gave her seafood and I think she's hooked. We'll wait a few years before we introduce her to sushi...it's just a matter of time.


Lord of the Candy

Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess who loved candy. Her heart longed for the day that she would be free to roam the land with all of the other candy seekers. The beautiful princess wore magic slippers upon her feet that guided her to the sugary treasures that her heart desired. But a misfortunate thing happened on her last journey in search for the sacred treats...

The slipper betrayed her. It left her in her deepest time of need. The slipper longed to return to its master. He searched desperately for his creation so that he could become all powerful and collect all candy unto himself.
This greatly grieved the princess. So she distracted herself by tasting all the wonderful treats that the slippers had led her to. But, there was yet hope...

... the majestic queen of Azusa and her magic pumpkin came to the rescue and returned the magic slipper to the princess. She then led the princess through the Halls of Adam deep in the Azusa Pacific mines where mythical creatures were subdued and forced to hand over their ambrosial treats. Still the dark lord desired to eat the the precious candy (I especially like the Reese's Cups!)... but there was yet more hope to be had... the Fellowship of Candy came together to restore peace and fight off the gluttoneous candy eater from the frozen tundra of the east (sorry fellow Hoosiers!).

The beautiful princess and the Fellowship of Candy (Dora the Explorer and Tinker Bell) triumphed over the evil dark lord and turned his head into a pumpkin as a trophy of remembrance. And so the sugar addictions continue... all hope is restored... peace rules the land once again... at least until next year.

Creativity is fun... but it can be dangerous:) The Fellowship consists of Ericka and Sarah Davis, two of Lyndi's closest friends. They all had a grand time and have blessed the families with a plethera of candy that should last a few weeks! Cheers to Halloween!